Different approaches and opinions exist among scientists regarding the main purpose of the Jesuit Order and
their mission. There are supporters of a critical approach and that’s who support the ideology of the order, which
ambiguously influenced the political situation of modern Europe, science and education, history and international
processes of most of the world. The Jesuit Order is one of the most influential orders of the Catholic Church. The
questions of the life and work of Ignatius of Loyola, his role as the founder of the Order of Saint Jesus also cause
discussion. The relevance of the issue under study is justified by the importance of studying religious and
ideological factors in the political processes of Europe and the East. In the process of writing the paper the
following methods such as examination, historical and comparative, were used. The theoretical basis of foreign
authors on the history of the emergence and activities of the Jesuit Order in the East was studied. Jesuit teaching
is widely known and has influence in the modern world. The main tool of the Jesuit Order is ideological
propaganda: preaching, education and missionary activity. Pedagogical activity, as one of the main tasks of the
Order, was put forward at its foundation. In the 17th-18th centuries, the Jesuits had a reputation as brilliant
educators and teachers, as they accumulated the knowledge of the pedagogy of their time with classroom lessons,
exercises and the transition from easy to difficult. It would be wrong to ignore the influence of the Society of Jesus
on world science and culture, as well as education, which has the same methodology to this day.
The ideological activity of the Jesuits is not limited to certain one, but the educational function in the
formation of young generations, of course, has priority. An important role is played by religious organizations in
which instructive preaching are held and spiritual values are instilled. Jesuit missionary work contributes to the
deepening and further development of all the activities of this Order. The working language of the Jesuits is
traditionally Latin. It is instilled from the first basics of familiarization with society.
The negative factor of the Society of Jesus is that for almost five centuries its members had been accused of
secretly intervening in world politics and confessing heresies. In this aspect, the personality of the Spanish
aristocrat, missionary, creator of the Order of Ignatius de Loyola deserves special attention. His spiritual views
and worldview were formatted in the course of new social and political processes. In the article is clearly observed
the idea that the spiritual values of society should prevail, but, in no case, they should not have the character of
ideological separatism.
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