• E.A Filatov East Siberian Institute of Economics and Law,
Keywords: God, Jesus Christ, Old Testament, New Testament, Gospels, chronology.


None of the world's religions, except Faith in Jesus Christ will not indicate the prophecy of the appearance of
its leader, uttered hundreds of years before his birth. Jesus Christ, based on the information of the Bible, fulfilled
more than three hundred prophecies uttered by different people over five hundred years, including 29 major ones
fulfilled in one day, the day of his death. Some of these prophecies were fulfilled in the days of the prophets, but
the final incarnation took place in Jesus Christ. In his book «Indisputable evidence» american public figure Josh
McDowell in the ninth Chapter analyzes 61 basic prophecy of the Messiah. It is impossible to fulfill these
prophecies in full. Moreover, judging from the human point of view, Jesus Christ did not «control» many events.
For example, the exact description of the death and burial place of Jesus Christ is foretold in the old Testament
(Isaiah Chapter 53), and even the place of birth (Micah 5:2) and the time of birth (Genesis 49:10). The author
based on a variety of historical data tried to deduce the chronology of the first coming of the Lord. This article
may be interesting for atheists. Many people should have at least a General idea of the Founder of religion, which
has become an integral part of world culture and world economy

Author Biography

E.A Filatov, East Siberian Institute of Economics and Law,

Candidate of
Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department
of Economics and Management, Faculty of Economics
and Management, East Siberian Institute of Economics


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How to Cite
Filatov, E.A. 2022. “CHRONOLOGY OF THE FIRST COMING OF JESUS CHRIST”. EurasianUnionScientists, August, 04-16.