The proximity of the three ancient sanctuaries to each other on the flat top of the Table Mountain against the background of the sacred peaks of Kazbek and Tsey-Loam, the opportunity to observe the sunrises and sunsets in the highlands of the Caucasus, cosmogonic myths, all this gave an assumption about the astronomical functions of these sanctuaries. The purpose of the study was to prove that these ancient sanctuaries were used by the priests to determine the key moments in the annual cycle of the Sun and were a calendar.
This is proved by using special computer programs and calculators that determine the azimuth and altitude of the Sun; instrumental observations and measurements on the ground.
It is established that the shrines of Myat-Seli and Myater-Dyal on Table Mountain in Ingushetia are a complex of medieval solar near-horizon observatories. And it is hypothesized that these sanctuaries were built on the site from which solar cycles were observed from about the beginning of the 1st millennium BC. This work also provides prerequisites for determining various astronomical observations from sanctuaries and the presence of other ancient observatories in the Caucasus. A method has been developed for searching for prehistoric solar, lunar and stellar near-horizon observatories.
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