The purpose of the study is to reveal the process of formation of Soviet power in Hrodna and Hrodna Count during the period, the chronological framework of which is determined by the direct transition of the territories of Hrodna and Hrodna region under the control of the Red Army in September 1939, on the one hand, and their official incorporation into the BSSR in November 1939, on the other. This period, which preceded the formation of full-fledged Soviet authorities in the region, is defined in the article as transitional. The paper shows the process of forming interim administrations, notes the practice of sending civil servants, party and military figures from the regions of the BSSR and other regions of the USSR to Hrodna and Hrodna Count to recruit new local authorities and organize elections to the People's Assembly of Western Belorussia (PAWB), notes the goals and objectives of the PAWB activities set before it by the party leadership, reveals the specifics of organizing elections of deputies to the PAWB from Hrodna and Hrodna Count.
The scientific contribution of the study was manifested in the coverage of the process of the initial stage of the formation of Soviet authorities on the territory of Hrodna and Hrodna county in the period preceding their official incorporation into the BSSR (September 1939 - November 1939).
As a result, the dates of formation of interim administrations in Hrodna and Hrodna Count, the principle of recruitment of new government institutions, the undemocratic nature of the elections of deputies of the People's Assembly of Western Belorussia were determined. The assessment of the inclusion of Hrodna and Hrodna Count into the BSSR is given.
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