Open Access Policy
Scientific journal “Eurasian Union of Scientists. Series: historical, political and sociological sciences" maintains the availability of scientific information for undergraduates and undergraduates, graduate students and doctoral students, young and experienced scientists, representatives of enterprises and organizations who are interested in obtaining the latest modern scientific knowledge in various areas and follow the development of modern science.
The scientific publication follows an open access policy. All information in a scientific and publishing format is available to interested parties via the public Internet. Users have the right to search, study, copy, download and make links, as well as distribute in electronic and paper form for their colleagues the full texts of published scientific works. The "open access" format makes it easy for indexing robots to search for citations on manuscript data. Working with scientific literature is available free of charge without legal and technical barriers on the part of the publisher.
The main condition for the use of scientific articles for their own purposes is the preservation of the integrity of the article and authorship of the researcher who owns the given scientific work, and the indication of links to the original source. The author has the right to monitor the fulfillment of this condition, to file a complaint against the user if he violated the agreement.
The final decision on the admission of the manuscript for publication or its rejection is made by the editorial board of the publication based on the conclusions of independent experts and the conclusion of the “Antiplagiarism” system. In case of detection of numerous borrowings of previously published materials, the editors act in accordance with the rules of COPE. If the author uses previously published materials in his article, references to them should be included in the bibliographic list.
When submitting a manuscript to the editorial board, personal data (names, addresses and e-mails of the author's team) is also transferred. The editorial board guarantees using this data only for publishing purposes, excludes their transfer to third parties, as well as use for personal purposes. Research materials received from the author also cannot be used for profit or disclosed. They can be transferred to unauthorized persons only with the written permission of the author.
The reviewers are scientists who have experience in this area of knowledge, who have no conflict of interest, joint work or other relationships with the author to ensure an objective assessment of scientific work.