1991year entered world history as the collapse of the USSR and the emergence of new independent states on its wreckage. In August 31, 1991, Kyrgyzstan adopted the Declaration on State independence. The transition to democratization began in difficult condition. The political, economic, social crisis set the stage for new reforms in the country. Changes in the political system of society were enshrined in the adopted first Constitution of 1993. The principle of separation of powers was enshrined: legislative, executive and judicial bodies were defined as independent branches of government. The political life of society depends on the type of political regime, public opinion, the influence of ideology and religion, as well as the decency of the media. Constitutional, political and economic reforms in Kyrgyzstan upset the balance government. The instability of democratic institutions and the establishment of authoritarian rule led to the March events of 2005.
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Stanovlenie i razvitie parlamenta i parlamentarizma v Kyrgyzstane. Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii 5 - 6 oktyabrya 2009 goda / Pod red. Ch. Baekovoj, Z. Kurmanova, A. Dzhakisheva i dr. Bishkek, 2010. S. 29.
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