• С. Хакимова


The article provides general concepts of hydrographic research in Turkestan, which was began in the 19th century and for geostrategic reasons were carried out mainly by the Russian Empire. The author reveals the military-strategic, socio-economic, scientific and practical nature of the objectives of these studies. In particular, the results of hydrographic research served to conquer territory of Central Asia, establish navigation in the Aral Sea, Amu Darya and Syr Darya, exert political pressure on the Bukhara Emirate and the Khiva Khanate, expand irrigated lands in Turkestan, develop cotton growing, carry out resettlement policy, design water facilities, replenishment geographic data about the region. 

It is noteworthy that hydrographic expeditions collected information not only in this area, but also of a historical, ethnographic, economic and statistical nature. Also, the article discusses the scientific methods of conducting such research, the establishment of continuous hydrometric works and through archival materials it is substantiated that this area was of great practical importance, as evidenced by the annual increase in its funding. The importance of hydrographic research for the formation of hydrological science in Turkestan and for the further development of irrigation and water supply in the region is revealed.


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Как цитировать
Хакимова , С. 2021. «HYDROGRAPHIC RESEARCH IN TURKESTAN BY RUSSIAN EMPIRE: GOALS AND METHODS. ». EurasianUnionScientists, май, 4-10. https://doi.org/10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2021.5.85.1343.