The article substantiates the idea that the change in the world economy entails an increase or decrease in the role of the state in regulating the development of science, scientific institutions and scientific and educational institutions. In the first case, the state reserves the authority to create conditions for scientific progress, in the second, social platforms without borders, states and specific responsible subjects form the space of science. The purpose of the article is to review the activities of state-authorized entities / agents (BIT.Nauka) in the field of the research process and its description. BIT.Nauka defines the main goal of its activities in the automation of accounting and control of scientific data for high-quality management of the information process in one of the segments of science: research and educational institutions. In the text, tasks-assessments, objects of activity, stages of collecting and recording data on the activities of subjects, products-solutions of BIT.Science and the results of their application are highlighted. In the conclusion, the results of BIT.Science activities are summarized in accordance with the goal and objectives from the point of view of artificial intelligence as a tool for human development: automation, increasing efficiency and stimulating scientific processes.
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